Take advantage of this great opportunity to showcase your work in front of collectors in an art museum setting and join the emerging, established, and community artists supporting The Delaware Contemporary.
Last year, The Contemporary received over 350 pieces of artwork by incredibly talented artists from all over the world. Help them exceed that number for SABA V!
Each donation must be a 6" x 6" (15cm) square piece of wall art. No other sizes or free-standing sculpture will be accepted. Please sign only on the back of the work for anonymous exhibition. Artists may enter works in any 2-D or 3-D medium. Charcoal or pastel must be fixed. Smaller works on paper may be mounted to a 6" x 6" cardstock or board. Clay or metal work thicker than 1/4" must have holes to accommodate pins/nails. There is no limit to the number of works an artist may enter. All entries that meet the specifications will be accepted, however The Delaware Contemporary reserves the right to jury-out work. Entries will not be returned, but artists retain copyrights. There is no entry fee.
Artwork entry deadline: October 20, 2019