- Maya Berlardo
- Nihkee Bleu
- Jahiti
- Nadjah Nicole
- Noelle Picara
- Jea Street, Jr.
- Donna Tucker
We offer suggestions for arts lovers to discover (and re-discover) established and emerging artists, musicians and performers in and around Delaware. Although we particularly like to celebrate smaller arts organizations and individuals, we cover nearly anything that strikes us or that we feel you should know about. Periodically, we welcome guest bloggers and artists to join us.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Delaware Artist TAHIRA Set to Release First Single, "Freedom Call"
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
The Sold Firm Art Gallery Celebrates Grand Opening in Wilmington's Creative District
The gallery, located at 800-B North Tatnall Street in the City’s Creative District, was founded by Oliver in 2019 to exhibit emerging modern and contemporary artists who tackle diverse subjects such as beauty, sexuality, emotions, and current culture.
“We are very happy to officially welcome Nataki Oliver and The Sold Firm to the Creative District,” said Mayor Purzycki. “This intimate space is an important addition to Wilmington’s cultural life and we are a better, richer City for the incredible talent assembled here. With Art Loop on hold for the foreseeable future, Oliver’s gallery provides a welcome refuge for art lovers from all over the City and the surrounding region.”
“The Sold Firm adds a contemporary newness to its surroundings,” said Oliver. “Fine art, culture, love, and support are our core elements to injecting vibrancy into Wilmington. Residents and visitors are welcome to immerse themselves in this modern art gallery. The collections of modern art displayed here have been carefully curated to represent multiple creative styles that complement our bright, simplistic aesthetic.”
At Saturday’s event, which included a ribbon-cutting and timed gallery tours, two black youths with an interest in the visual arts were presented with complete art kits and private art lessons at The Sold Firm this fall by local artist, James Wyatt. This initiative was funded by proceeds from the sale of OVOW (Our Voices Our Way) T-shirts. The grand opening was also celebrated by Council President Hanifa Shabazz and 4th District Council Member Michelle Harlee.
The Sold Firm’s current group exhibit, “Pendulum Swing,” also kicked off with the gallery’s sold-out grand opening ceremony on Saturday. The exhibit brings together 15 black artists from as far away as Florida to allow their voices about the current climate to be heard through visual art, each with a unique expression that conveys pain, triumph, and optimistic views of their feelings.
All of the “Pendulum Swing” artists will receive a 100% commission on any artwork sold during the public exhibit, which continues until October 30, 2020.
Tickets are available on the gallery’s website at www.thesoldfirm.com. You can also follow @thesoldfirm on Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Pacem in Terris To Host Virtual Youth Art Exhibit
Pacem in Terris is continuing their annual Visionary Peace Youth Art Exhibition -- with a virtual gallery! If you work with children or know others who would be interested in participating, please share this information.
Deadline extended to August 31, 2020!
Youth in Grades K-12 are invited to CREATE ART by painting or drawing images that answer the questions: What does peace look like? What does peace mean to you?
These “Visions of a Peaceful World” will be displayed in an online gallery (take a look at last year’s submissions here). A number of pieces will be selected and framed to join their Traveling Peace Youth Art Exhibition, which goes on display at various locations throughout the state, including a scheduled exhibit at The Grand Opera House in downtown Wilmington!
Here are the general guidelines:
- Artwork can be created on any type of paper or canvas, any size up to 12” x 16”
- Each piece must be accompanied by a 1-3 sentence statement describing the artist’s vision.
- The artist’s name, age, group, and statement should be written on a separate paper (index card) and attached to the artwork by paper clip.
Your organization will be recognized in the gallery. They will accept up to 30 pieces per site. Include contact information for a teacher/counselor to receive future updates about the exhibition, and coordinate artwork pickup and returns at the end of the year.
To submit your artwork, or ask any further questions, please contact Carolyn Bitzer at submissions@depaceminterris.org.